As I've Matured...
(too old to reply)
2006-08-22 17:35:30 UTC
As I 've Matured..........

I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.

I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.

I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.

I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're

I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty

I've learned that ex's are like fungus, and keep coming back.

I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.

I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are

I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural

I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your
house, one of your kids did it

I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.

I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken
from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away.
And the real pains in the ass are permanent.

Regards, Buffoon
http://www.OfficeBuffoon.com/jokebook - The BEST 50 Jokes Ever Told!
2006-08-23 09:02:25 UTC
Post by Buffoon
As I 've Matured..........
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
This is what I look like:
2006-08-23 16:01:30 UTC
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Wm ...
Reply-To: address valid for at least 7 days from date of posting
Darth Chipotle
2006-08-24 14:49:45 UTC
Post by Wm...
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Who is the person under Pumba? Perhaps we need a POV of them...
Onkel Petey
2006-09-03 17:28:52 UTC
Post by Darth Chipotle
Post by Wm...
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Who is the person under Pumba? Perhaps we need a POV of them...
Pumba is a complainer ... not a contributor.
2006-09-03 23:01:51 UTC
Post by Onkel Petey
Post by Darth Chipotle
Post by Wm...
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Who is the person under Pumba? Perhaps we need a POV of them...
Pumba is a complainer ... not a contributor.
What you need is a PORV under Pumber - left open as well. Then eel get the
same as Three Mile Island!

With radiation like that all over eez goolies, at least there'll be no more
little Pumbæ running around all over the place, innit?!! Staggering, limping
or slithering a bit, but not running!!
Rob Eventine
2007-03-05 18:49:01 UTC
just grow up and stop acting like children. this is a joke section not a
childish place for you to scream and be pathitic at each other.. grow up or
get out and go elsewhere.
nuf said
Post by nemo
Post by Onkel Petey
Post by Darth Chipotle
Post by Wm...
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Who is the person under Pumba? Perhaps we need a POV of them...
Pumba is a complainer ... not a contributor.
What you need is a PORV under Pumber - left open as well. Then eel get the
same as Three Mile Island!
With radiation like that all over eez goolies, at least there'll be no more
little Pumbæ running around all over the place, innit?!! Staggering, limping
or slithering a bit, but not running!!
2007-03-17 22:59:22 UTC
I agree,

Where are the quality jokes this board is getting spammed with links and
pecking at each other so please STOP IT

Post by Rob Eventine
just grow up and stop acting like children. this is a joke section not a
childish place for you to scream and be pathitic at each other.. grow up
or get out and go elsewhere.
nuf said
Post by nemo
Post by Onkel Petey
Post by Darth Chipotle
Post by Wm...
Post by Pumba
get this fucking shit out of alt.tasteless.jokes you limey fuckers!
I am Pumba, hear me ro-aaa-r!
Wide angle suits some people ... 200mm would suit you better. Just too
much perspective, dear. Try softer lighting too
Who is the person under Pumba? Perhaps we need a POV of them...
Pumba is a complainer ... not a contributor.
What you need is a PORV under Pumber - left open as well. Then eel get the
same as Three Mile Island!
With radiation like that all over eez goolies, at least there'll be no more
little Pumbæ running around all over the place, innit?!! Staggering, limping
or slithering a bit, but not running!!
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