2006-05-13 10:07:11 UTC
Yep folks.. Bush and Co. has been nailed by top brass ex-Bush
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds, Professor Emeritus at Texas
A & M University, the Department of Labor's Chief Economist under
George W. Bush during the Cheney regimes first illegitimate term, and
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis.
May 12th, 2006 - United Press International
John Daly, UPI International Correspondent
"Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs
Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic
response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on
all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come with explosives - a shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned long war in the Middle East, massive increases in
military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence community
knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with the
obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida
being the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence
service Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official
Wayne Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly
called 9/11 an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffins work on 9/11.
He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did not realize
how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know
compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some
semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds
said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that when
the 9/11 truth movement nails the coffin shut, it will trigger the
greatest Constitutional crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is
less a cause for worry than for rejoicing: 'We need a Constitutional
Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax
as a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that
exposing the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheneys plan to stage
an unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it."
Link to the original UPI Morgan Reynolds story:
Watzit all mean?? ..simple.. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard
Meyers, Larry Silverstein, and (probably) Don Rumsfeld will all soon
either be behind bars for the rest of their natural lives or sentenced
to be executed by lethal injection, electrocution, or hanging. The
American people will then owe a big apology to both Afghanistan and
Iraq, but nothing a few hundred thousand Hallmark cards won't be able
to patch up.
Should the international community blame America for not catching on
to this sooner, then we could be facing a combined attack from Iran,
North Korea, China, and what's left of Iraq and Afghanistan. Any
Americans that decide to take a stand for Bush in our (inevitable) 2nd
Civil War, (according to both the latest Bush job poll _&_ the
percentage of people who believe the attack on America was an inside
job - 29% and 81%, respectively) the Bush supporters will be far
outnumbered and, in the new revolution to finally overthrow the now
exposed Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Commission, etc.. pro-Bush nuts will ultimately be hunted down and
..if you're currently a supporter of the soon-to-be hung,
electrocuted, or lethally injected President, please step forward,
throw down any weapons you might be carrying, and surrender yourself
to the nearest military compound for further processing.
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds, Professor Emeritus at Texas
A & M University, the Department of Labor's Chief Economist under
George W. Bush during the Cheney regimes first illegitimate term, and
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis.
May 12th, 2006 - United Press International
John Daly, UPI International Correspondent
"Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs
Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic
response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on
all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come with explosives - a shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned long war in the Middle East, massive increases in
military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.
Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence community
knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with the
obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida
being the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence
service Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official
Wayne Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly
called 9/11 an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffins work on 9/11.
He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did not realize
how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know
compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some
semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds
said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that when
the 9/11 truth movement nails the coffin shut, it will trigger the
greatest Constitutional crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is
less a cause for worry than for rejoicing: 'We need a Constitutional
Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax
as a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that
exposing the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheneys plan to stage
an unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it."
Link to the original UPI Morgan Reynolds story:
Watzit all mean?? ..simple.. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard
Meyers, Larry Silverstein, and (probably) Don Rumsfeld will all soon
either be behind bars for the rest of their natural lives or sentenced
to be executed by lethal injection, electrocution, or hanging. The
American people will then owe a big apology to both Afghanistan and
Iraq, but nothing a few hundred thousand Hallmark cards won't be able
to patch up.
Should the international community blame America for not catching on
to this sooner, then we could be facing a combined attack from Iran,
North Korea, China, and what's left of Iraq and Afghanistan. Any
Americans that decide to take a stand for Bush in our (inevitable) 2nd
Civil War, (according to both the latest Bush job poll _&_ the
percentage of people who believe the attack on America was an inside
job - 29% and 81%, respectively) the Bush supporters will be far
outnumbered and, in the new revolution to finally overthrow the now
exposed Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Commission, etc.. pro-Bush nuts will ultimately be hunted down and
..if you're currently a supporter of the soon-to-be hung,
electrocuted, or lethally injected President, please step forward,
throw down any weapons you might be carrying, and surrender yourself
to the nearest military compound for further processing.