Delicious irony
(too old to reply)
2008-04-18 00:14:14 UTC
According to an article in the UK newspaper, the Telegraph, titled
"Push-up bra is 'greatest fashion invention ever'"...


"The bust-enhancing bra came top in a survey of 3,000 female customers
conducted by high-street store Debenhams, beating boot-cut jeans into
second place.

"The bra scooped almost 20 per cent of the vote in the poll.

"Caroline Adams for Debenhams said: 'Push-up bras have become a
wardrobe weapon for millions of women across the world.'


"Many of the items on the list are designed to improve and enhance the
figure of the wearer.

"Caroline Adams added: 'Fashion items that can help create the perfect
silhouette have become must-have items for women and there is no shame
in faking the body beautiful.'"


The article goes on to list the twenty top picks, according to the
Debenhams survey. They are:

1. Push-up bra
2. Boot cut jeans
3. Pull-in pants
4. Stilettos
5. Little Black dress
6. Hipster jeans
7. Mini skirt
8. Strapless bra
9. Support tights
10. Kitten heels
11. Stockings
12. Sports bra
13. G-String
14. Flip flops
15. Chicken Fillets (aka "falsies" -- silicone breast enhancements)
16. Pencil skirt
17. Hot pants
18. Boy-shorts
19. Trainer socks
20. Comfortable trainers

Read the entire article here:


"Wardrobe weapon," she calls 'em, eh? Well, let the battle be joined...

This is all just so deliciously ironic, and on several levels. For one,
when women want to ridicule a man's masculinity, isn't "size" so often
their target of choice that it is practically a cliche? Now we know the
truth: the chances are better than average that the vixen ridiculing
your manhood is doing so while propping up her own sagging "assets"
with a push-up bra! BAAHAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHA... The opportunity for
rejoinder is absolutely priceless! "HOW many pads did you say you have
under your bra?" "Don't look now, but your implants/falsies are
leaking!" How wonderful to have these additions to my all-time favorite
comeback: "It does that around some people, so that it doesn't get
frostbite." HAHAHAHAHAHhaahaaheeheehee...

Then, there's the whole "women's clothing as 'instruments of
oppression'" thing. In an age where "freedom" means "freedom from
responsibility," how convenient it is to have men (of straw), and a
"patriarchy," on which to blame everything. Surveys like this one
reveal what we all knew, that women choose and demand fashionable
clothing. And yet, women often claim that, as victims of "the male
gaze," dress codes written by men force women into these clothes. Of
course, the fact that men are also subjected to uncomfortable clothing
by restrictive dress codes (particularly in the workplace) matters for
nothing. One woman wrote an article for an on-line magazine (can't find
it now -- wish I had saved it), where she described how she complained
about having to wear painful shoes that pinched her toes. In arguing
the point that he was also required to be uncomfortable, the man to
whom she had addressed her remarks made the fatal mistake of comparing
the experience to his having to button his collar and wear a neck tie.
She went on to write how she found the opportunity to take her wrath
out upon him and show him what real pain is like, when she noticed him
standing behind her in a crowded elevator, stepped back while
surreptitiously aiming carefully, and "accidentally" stabbed his foot
with a stiletto heel.

Is it any wonder, then, that these classic and venerable "wardrobe
weapons" (nothing metaphorical in the sobriquet this time) came in 4th
on the Debenhams survey? The notoriously short-skirted LBD comes in
next, followed closely by mini skirts. These require real skill, so I
am told, to maintain modesty while showing off long legs. And pencil
(read "hobble," even with slits) skirts, which are surely instruments
of the oppressive patriarchy's fetishistic love of women in bondage,
also make the top twenty. Elsewhere, I recall reading that strapless
bras, a requirement for wearing a backless gown, are a constant
nuisance to keep properly adjusted. And, though I frequently hear of
women complaining about pantyhose ("tights" in the UK), they apparently
beat out stockings if they offer support. Comfortable "trainers"
(athletic/running shoes) won't win the fashion race, coming in last at
20th place.

Mind you, I have no objection when women are honest about CHOOSING
fashion clothing, because I know a little secret: women wear these
things because it feels good. It feels good to look good, feeling good
makes a person look even better, and the unbridled sensuality built
into fashionable clothing for women both looks AND feels good; the
whole thing feeds into itself.

All of which brings me to my last point of irony: women spend billions
on products and services to make themselves feel more feminine (so that
they feel good), while ridiculing anything a man does to feel more
masculine. As a corollary, women have invaded every single thing that
men once called their own. They have rendered statements like "I wear
the pants in this family!" and insults like "Your grandma wears army
boots!" absolutely meaningless. Push the women who use words like
"faggot" or "poofter" to describe the metrosexual phenomenon hard
enough for their reasons why, however, and you will find that it is
because they do not appreciate men co-opting what they consider to be
exclusively theirs -- and they will do it while brazenly wearing blue
jeans and steel-toed engineer's boots! Won't someone puh-leeese explain
to me how Bravehearts wearing kilts in rebellion against "trouser
tyranny" are a bunch of fags, while women in flannel shirts, jeans, and
steel-toe engineer's boots aren't lesbians? <snort> HAAHAHAHAHAHA....

Caroline Adams of Debenhams is quoted as saying "there is no shame in
faking the body beautiful." No, the shame is when women claim that men
FORCE them into falsehood, when women ridicule men for failing to have
a pleasing shape or a sufficiently large "asset" while faking their own
shapes and "assets," and when women deride men for wanting to feel
"manly" (or conversely, when they scorn men who want to experience "the
other side" while screaming in defense of their own right to do the
same). Of course, before I point out this hypocrisy in a public place
like that poor guy who got his foot nailed on the elevator, I will
first make sure I am wearing my own steel-tipped stilettos, in order to
"level the playing field." Erm...in a manner of speaking, that is.
Care to dance?
A: Probably, if not for other reasons...
Q: Is that why people don't answer my question(s)?
A: Because it disrupts the normal flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top-posting in email and newsgroups so annoying?
Greg Evans
2008-04-18 00:22:24 UTC
Post by s***@sitting.duck.net
This is all just so deliciously ironic
Needs salt.
2008-04-18 00:37:23 UTC
As seen from alt.humor,
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:22:24 -0400,
Post by Greg Evans
Post by s***@sitting.duck.net
This is all just so deliciously ironic
Needs salt.
Already sweet.
A: Probably, if not for other reasons...
Post by Greg Evans
Q: Is that why people don't answer my question(s)?
Post by s***@sitting.duck.net
A: Because it disrupts the normal flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top-posting in email and newsgroups so annoying?
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